Fast and Free!, Volume .5 DVD
Are you new to free motion machine quilting and need guidance from the ground up? Are you a seasoned free motion machine quilter and looking for some new design ideas for stitching quilted motifs? Then either way, this instructional DVD is for you! This DVD begins with a discussion on the basics of free motion quilting, and then turns to a lesson on preparing the quilt sandwich. The mysteries of mastering sewing machine tension are then unraveled before basic lessons in free motion machine quilting begin. Once the basics are covered, the viewer is introduced to the concept of “Fast and Free”…the technique of creating countless spin-off designs, just by making a small change in one base design. Watch and listen as Patsy shows and discusses how to stitch 18 different quilting designs and gives ideas for additional related spin-off designs. The tutorial ends with a detailed lesson in how to convert your closed toe free motion foot to an open toe foot. With designs suitable for traditional quilts, contemporary quilts, and art quilts, what machine quilter wouldn’t benefit from a tutorial like this?!
Skill level: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced
Click below to watch a nearly 10 minute scene from this DVD title!
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